Kevin Du

Hi! I'm Kevin.
my picture!

I'm a machine learning engineer and researcher. Currently, I'm a PhD candidate (and former Fulbright Research Fellow) with Ryan Cotterell's NLP lab at ETH Zürich. I'm interested in developing and using interpretability methods to understand, control, and improve post-training and reasoning capabilities of language models. I'm also working on developing an early-fusion video multimodal model as part of the Swiss AI Initiative. Before my PhD, I worked as a machine learning engineer at Flatiron Health, where I developed machine learning systems to unlock patient value in real-world cancer data. I'm interested in bridging research and engineering to translate cool ML research into useful, robust tools and products.

Check out my publications and projects.

I like to adventure, journal, play tennis, and sing with friends!

Say hello! Feel free to contact me at kevin [underscore] du [at] alumni [dot] brown [dot] edu.